Technical requirements
In order to make the best use of the new MultiLine solution, available since 02/11/2008, the group of banks recommends that users adopt the following configuration. It will enable you to achieve reasonable response times and to carry out your banking transactions in comfort.
The installation of LuxTrust components is a prerequisite for the use of the SmartCard or the Signing Stick. In the case of a mobile app or scan, you do not need to install anything.
Hardware requirements
- Intel Core 2 Duo – 2,8 GHz processor or AMD equivalent
- Disc space: 40 GB
- 2 GB minimum RAM
- Minimum screen resolution: 1250×768, 16 bit colour high definition
- USB (or series) port for the LuxTrust smart card reader
- Broadband connection: ADSL or cable
- Smartcard reader and LuxTrust components correctly configured and connected to the PC
System requirements
- Windows 10. Virtual machines are not supported.
- For installation and update, Administrator rights are required
- For a reinstallation Administrator rights are required
- Deactivate the User Access Control Option before the installation of the MultiLine middleware
- MultiLine MSI installations by Group Policy Object (GPO) are not supported
- Adobe Reader version 9 or more
- Date, time and regional settings have to be correct. The “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time” has to be checked.
- Versions supported by LuxTrust are compatible with MultiLine
- Only the LuxTrust middleware is needed (for Smartcard or Signing Stick)
- Access to MultiLine is possible with the login button located at the top right, or by the following link :
Navigator requirements
- Internet Explorer 11 (support ends 15 June 2022: )
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Edge
- Safari (MacOS)
The last 3 browser versions supported by the editors are compatible with Multiline.
Since January 12, 2016, Microsoft ended support for older versions of Internet Explorer :
In the Tool/Internet Options menu, check that the (default) parameters are properly selected:
Level of security for secure sites (trusted sites):
- Medium
- Uncheck “Enable Protected Mode”
- Click on “Custom level … “, under “ActiveX controls and plug-ins”, disable”Allow ActiveX filtering”
Advanced Security parameters:
- Deselect option Do not save encrypted pages to disk
- Deselect option Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed
- Deselect option Use SSL 2.0
- Select Use TLS 1.2
- Select option Use HTTP 1.1
- Select option Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections
Additional toolbars in Internet Explorer that are “not” originating from Microsoft often cause problems with MultiLine (and other online applications) and slow down the system. You should therefore uninstall these toolbars in advance.
- Add the sites you need to work with in the “Trusted Sites” list of Internet explorer; for this category only, uncheck “Enable Protected Mode”.
Firewall and proxy configuration requirements
- Internet Proxy is supported by using WinHTTP.dll (at least version 5.1.2600.1188). For more information, search for WinHTTP in Microsoft MSDN Library under the section Networking.
- Authenticated Proxy is not supported.
For LuxTrust middleware:
Remark: Please be aware that certain local or domain group policies (GPO’s) can overrule the trusted sites settings of your internet explorer. If you use GPO’s, please make sure that the sites are added here:
for 32 bit here:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap
or for 64 bit here:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap